Helping Shape Your Future

Since 1986

Helping Shape Your Future

Since 1986


SAFEGUARDING  – Keeping our learners protected from harm and maintaining a safe learning environment
North West Community Services Training Ltd takes our responsibility in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of learners, staff, young people, vulnerable adults and partners we work with very seriously, by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.
During the Covid-19 pandemic in particular, we are conscious that there has been additional pressures on families and workers. We all have a responsibility to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of those around us, regardless of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion belief, or sexual orientation.
Abuse can take many different forms and we have a duty of care to ensure our people’s wellbeing is our top priority, and that we understand the signs of abuse and how we raise concerns. We work closely with local safeguarding authorities and organisations in cases where abuse and harmful behaviours are suspected or reported. For more details please see our Safeguarding policy. Never miss an important equality, diversity and inclusion date with the calendar of equality, diversity and inclusion events, festivals, awareness days and occasions.
If you are worried about the safety of a child or vulnerable adult please report it here.
Alternatively contact us on
0151 521 5888
or if out of hours please refer to the Helplines and support groups section provided within our support pages
Safeguarding is set of policies in place to protect adults, young people and children on NWCS Training courses who may be vulnerable to abuse or neglect. Abuse might include:
  • Physical abuse – hitting, shaking, throwing, or otherwise causing physical harm.
  • Emotional abuse – threats of harm, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, bullying (to include cyber bullying).
  • Financial abuse – stealing or defrauding someone of goods, money or property.
  • Sexual abuse – physical contact to include rape or sexual assault, it may also include non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, sexual images, watching sexual activities, encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways, or grooming a child in preparation for abuse (including via the internet).
  • Neglect – the persistent failure to meet a child’s physical or psychological needs. This includes but is not limited to failing to provide adequate food, clothing, medication and shelter.
  • Discriminatory abuse – racism, sexist, or other forms that are based on a person’s disability and other forms of harassment, or similar treatment.
  • Self-neglect/harm
  • Cyber abuse
NWCS Training holds the health, safety and welfare of all involved on courses or activities, which come under the responsibility of NWCS Training as one of its highest priorities. We aim to provide an atmosphere and structured establishment that is a safe environment in which learners and young people can learn and develop, thus giving learners happiness and security, enabling them to fulfil their potential. From time to time learners will go through stressful periods during their time on the programme just as they do at home. We actively encourage learners to speak to any member of staff, or our designated safeguarding person and are assured that sympathetic support will be given at all times.

Articles on Safeguarding

2022 articles

We publish an article every month with a specific theme or angle which we hope will be a useful resource for our learners and hopefully for other visitors as well.
Month Theme Notes Key Awareness Days
World Braille Day 04/01/2022,
World Religion Day 16/01/2022,
Blue Monday 18/01/2022
Time to Talk Day 04/02/2022,
Dyscalculia Awareness Day 05/02/2022,
Safer Internet Day 08/02/2022,
National Apprenticeship Week 07-13/02/2022
International Women's Day 08/03/2022,
National Careers Week 7-12/03/2022,
Sign Language Week 14-18/03/2022,
International Trans Day of Visibility 31/03/2022
Earth Day 22/04/2022,
Lesbian Visibility Day 26/04/2022
Career progression and further education
Qualification breakdowns, progression routes, further education, CPD
Deaf Awareness Week 02-08/05/2022,
National Numeracy Day 13/05/2022,
Mental Health Awareness Week 13-20/05/2022,
International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia 17/05/2022,
Global Accessibility Awareness Day 19/05/2022
(Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week TBC)
Volunteers' Week 01-07/06/2022, World Environment Day 05/06/2022,
Men's Health Week 14-20/06/2022,
Autistic Pride Day 18/06/2022,
Learning Disability Week 20-26/06/2022,
Pride Day 27/06/2022
Non-binary Day of Visibility 14/07/2022

Report a safeguarding issue