Helping Shape Your Future

Since 1986

Helping Shape Your Future

Since 1986

Personal Development theme of the month:

Mental Health support

for NWCS learners

North West Community Services Training Ltd will always share relevant advice for looking after your mental health and where you can go if you need support. Your mental health and wellbeing is always important, especially during these challenging times. Can we please shares these tips for how you can look after your mental health.
  • The first step is to recognise that things are becoming too much for us and acknowledge it.
  • Notice small changes in your thoughts, behaviours, emotions e.g. are you feeling overwhelmed by tasks that you usually wouldn’t think twice at, more irritable than usual, are you apprehensive about going out of the house or talking to others? Sometimes it helps to keep a diary of how you feel.
  • Often, we feel better after we’ve talked it through with someone, whether it’s with friends, family or an NWCS staff member.
  • Accept that it’s normal to have sad or anxious thoughts, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are mentally unwell
  • Practice good self-care by looking after yourself, being kind to yourself and giving yourself a break – give yourself permission to rest.
  • Getting active increases serotonin and dopamine whilst decreasing adrenaline and cortisol, which increase during times of stress.
  • A good night’s sleep makes our brains more alert, helps our memory and boosts our metabolism.
  • Set short-term goals and celebrate the success of achieving those.
  • Practice gratitude – be grateful for the positive things in your life and what you’ve achieved.
  • Seek help if you need it and appreciate the value of your network.
  • Remember, feelings of stress, anxiety and worry are normal reactions to a very difficult time in our lives.

Mental Health First Aid for learners

Mental Health First Aid for learners – NWCS Training staff are here to guide you if you’re struggling to get the help you need. One of our qualified mental health first aiders can provide emotional support, whether it’s talking through your worries, sharing your concerns or answering your questions

Mental Health resources

Here is an online directory of mental health resources to support learners This comprehensive online resource has been developed to support learners who may require support outside of office hours.  Please keep this link handy and accessible at all times.

Mental Health support

Please ensure to visit our Mental Health Support page to find a list of the following:

  • A list of organisations and charities offering support services for a variety of mental health issues
  • A variety of downloadable material including leaflets and information packs about mental health
  • A list of apps to download that offer support for mental health challenges
  • A range of news articles with a focus on mental health
  • A collection of case studies focusing on individuals dealing with mental health challenges

GMLPF resources

Here are a list of resources from the Greater Merseyside Learning Providers Federation (GMLPF) Website that you may find useful

Support services

Support agencies for those in need of help for mental health, including listening services, charities and government agencies.


A variety of useful tools to support the mental health of learners and staff including leaflets, presentations, guides, workbooks and more.


Details of apps to download which offer tools including breathing exercises, relaxation tips and others.


A range of news articles with a focus on mental health.

Case studies

Case studies featuring individuals who have been affected by different types of mental ill health, detailing how they coped and the support they accessed as part of their recovery

Further support can be found:

Our best mental health tips -
Mental Health Foundation

Our best mental health tips backed by research