Helping Shape Your Future

Since 1986

Helping Shape Your Future

Since 1986

Introducing our 2023

Personal Development Curriculum

See below or click here for the full list of subjects we'll be covering this year

Personal Development

Welcome to our personal development section, where we will be discussing a range of important topics related to personal growth and well-being. Our aim is to provide a platform for individuals to learn about themselves, their values, and the world around them, with a focus on promoting positivity, understanding, and self-awareness.

In this series of articles we will be covering a diverse range of topics, including sexual orientation, British values, Special Educational Needs, and Mental Health support, amongst others. Our articles are designed to be informative, engaging, and thought-provoking, with the aim of encouraging our readers to reflect on their own experiences and perspectives.

We believe that personal development is a lifelong journey, and that everyone can benefit from continuous learning and self-improvement. Our articles are written with this in mind, and we hope that they will inspire and empower our readers to explore new ideas, challenge their assumptions, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. So join us on this journey of discovery, and let’s explore the many facets of personal development together!

Personal Development - useful video clips

Let’s Move! The Benefits of Physical Activity

Type 2 Diabetes: know your risk

We Are What We Eat and Drink

Know Your Numbers For A Healthy Heart

Perimenopause and Menopause Awareness

Alcohol: Friend or Foe

Cancer: Spot the Signs Early

Good Night’s Sleep

Up in Smoke

Articles on Personal Development

Digital Skills (GDPR and Cyber Security)

Digital skills in the workplace can include original content creation, e-commerce, network and information security, UX/UI design, digital marketing, social media marketing, and data analytics. Advanced digital skills range from data visualization and basic programming skills to data engineering.

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Health & Safety

Health and safety is an important consideration for education staff. You and your provider have a legal responsibility to protect learners from harm, including risks posed by health and safety.

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Exploring: Career Information, Advice and Guidance

CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance) is designed to prepare students for life in modern Britain by providing the knowledge, understanding, confidence and skills that they need to make informed choices and plans for their future learning and career.

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Employment rights & responsibilities

The three basic rights of workers include rights concerning pay, hours and discrimination. Workers are entitled to these rights through the law and may declare their employer if they do not respect these rights

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Healthy Living & Stress Awareness

“Healthy living” to most people means both physical and mental health are in balance or functioning well together in a person. In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other.

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Marriage and Civil Partnerships

Marriage or Civil Partnership – What is the difference? Do you have to divorce from a civil partnership? What are your maternity & paternity rights? These and other questions answered.

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Personal development curriculum

We publish an article every month with a specific theme or angle which we hope will be a useful resource for our learners and hopefully for other visitors as well.

2023 articles

Current and future themes for 2023

Month Theme Notes Key awareness days
Race. Religion and Belief
The positive impact diversity has on communities

Dry January,

Love Your Liver Month,


World Braille Day 04/01/2023,

STIQ Day 14/01/2023,

World Religion Day 15/01/2023,

Brew Monday 16/01/2023,

Blue Monday 16/01/2023,

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 23-29/01/2023,

Parent Mental Health Day 27/01/2023

LGBTQ History Month,

Time to Talk Day 02/02/2023,

World Cancer Day 04/02/2023,

NSPCC Number Day 03/02/2023,

#ReclaimSocial 07/02/2023,

Children's Mental Health Week 06-12/02/2023,

Sexual Abuse & Sexual Violence Awareness Week 06-12/02/2023,

National Apprenticeship Week 06-12/02/2023,

Safer Internet Day 07/02/2023,

Eating disorders Awareness Week 27/02/2023 - 05/03/2023

International Women's Day 08/03/2022,

National Careers Week 7-12/03/2022,

Sign Language Week 14-18/03/2022,

International Trans Day of Visibility 31/03/2022

Stress Awareness Month,

Earth Day 22/04/2023,

Lesbian Visibility Day 26/04/2023


Deaf Awareness Week 01-07/05/2023,

Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week 08-12/05/2023,

National Numeracy Day 17/05/2023,

Mental Health Awareness Week 15-21/05/2023,

International Day against Homophobia,

Transphobia and Biphobia 17/05/2023,

Global Accessibility Awareness Day 18/05/2023

Pride Month, Volunteers' Week 01-07/06/2023,

World Environment Day 05/06/2023,

Men's Health Week 12-18/06/2023,

Autistic Pride Day 18/06/2023,

World Refugee Day 20/06/2023,

Learning Disability Week 19-25/06/2023,

Deafblind Awareness Week 27/06/2023 - 03/07/2023

ContentPlastic Free July,

Non-binary Day of Visibility 14/07/2023,

Samaritans Awareness Day 24/07/2023,

World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 30/07/2023

Makaton International Awareness Day 28/08/2022

Festival of Learning Have a Go Month.

World Alzheimer's Month,

Know Your Numbers Week (Blood Pressure) 04-10/09/2023,

National Literacy Day 08/09/2023,

World Suicide Prevention Day 10/09/2023,

Pensions Awareness Week 11-17/09/2023,

International Day of Democracy 15/09/2023,

Organ Donation Week 18-24/09/2023,

Recycle Awareness Week 18-24/09/2023,

National Coding Week 18-24/09/2023,

Adult Learners Week 18-24/09/2023,

International Day of Sign Languages 23/09/2023.

National Non Speaking/Non Verbal Awareness Day 30/09/2023,

Mental Health and Wellbeing

National Cholesterol Month,

ADHD Awareness Month,

Breast Cancer Awareness Month,

Black History Month,

Dyspraxia Awareness Week 09-15/10/2023,

World Dyslexia Awareness Day 08/10/2023,

World Mental Health Day 10/10/2023,

National Braille Week 09-15/10/2023,

Sexual Health Week 09-15/10/2023,

National Adoption Week 17-23/10/2023

Crime and Prevention including Prevent Duty
Focus on Prevent

National Stress Awareness Day 04/11/2023,

Remembrance Day 11/11/2022,

Anti-bullying Week 13-17/11/2023,

Road Safety Week 18-24/11/2023,

International Men's Day 19/11/2023

Environmental Awareness

World Aids Day 01/12/2023,

International Day of People with Disabilities 03/12/2023,

International Volunteer Day 05/12/2023,

Human Rights Day 10/12/2023,

International Migrants Day 18/12/2023